Weill Cornell Medical College The Rockefeller University Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center

Apply Online Application Due: December 1, 2013

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In a recent Nature paper, TPCB student Christian Baca and colleagues in the labs of Prof. Luciano Marraffini and Prof. Dinshaw Patel have discovered a new mechanism of bacterial immunity to phage infection, in which binding of a cyclic adenylate to a novel CRISPR effector called Cam1 arrests host cell functions. [more]

TPCB is pleased to partner with the New York Academy of Sciences to present the annual NYAS Chemical Biology Symposium on June 6, 2024. This event is a highlight every year and will feature faculty keynote lectures as well as talks and posters by students and staff scientists from NYC-area labs. [Register here]

TPCB students attended the 2023 Career Development Retreat on September 26–27 in the Poconos. The event featured a keynote presentation by Jesse Ausubel, a panel discussion with TPCB alumni, and lots of fun and relaxation. The event was organized by TPCB students Jared Ramsey, Nicolai Tornow, and Nora Zhou. [more]

The New York Academy of Sciences will be presenting a symposium on Chemical Biology of Protein Homeostasis: From Fundamentals to Translational Breakthroughs on June 17, 2024. Keynote speakers include Heeseon An (TPCB and MSK), Miklos Bekes, Steve Elledge, Ophir Shalem, and Victoria Kutilek. [Register here]

Our Diversity is Our Strength. TPCB has a long-standing commitment to promoting diversity and inclusion at all levels in science. Our outstanding students come from many different backgrounds and the program has zero tolerance for racism or discrimination in any form. We have taken numerous recent efforts to promote these principles. [more].

TPCB welcomed the 2023 class of undergraduate summer interns in the Chemical Biology Summer Program (ChBSP)! These students pursued forefront chemical biology research in TPCB labs, working alongside our students and faculty, as well as participating in career development training. [more]

Congratulations to Gianna Stella, who has been recognized for her exceptional contributions to the community with the inaugural TPCB Student Service Award! Gianna has been a leader in science outreach and mentorship, and a strong advocate for student interests in the graduate schools. [more]

The 19th Annual Tri-Institutional Chemical Biology Symposium, sponsored by TPCB, was held on September 6, 2023. Keynote lectures were given by Profs. Danica Fujimori, Viviana Risca, Brian Shoichet, and Jorge Torres. Attendees also enjoyed student talks and a large poster session. Stay tuned for a recap!

TPCB recently welcomed four new faculty to the program, Prof. Arvin Dar at MSK, Prof. Tobias Meyer at Weill Cornell, and Prof. Jiankun Lyu and Prof. Michael Rout at Rockefeller. Their labs bringing exciting new research opportunities in drug discovery and the molecular mechanisms underlying key cellular processes. [more]

Alumni Profile: TPCB alumni Dr. Renato Bauer and Dr. Jacqueline Wurst discuss the flexibility of the graduate program, the unique opportunities in the Tri-Institutional research environment, and how their training in chemistry prepared them for their current careers in the pharmaceutical industry at Eli Lilly. [more]

Student Profile: TPCB student Chaya Stern describes her non-traditional path to graduate school, where she is now working in Prof. John Chodera’s computational chemistry lab at Sloan Kettering as an NSF Graduate Research Fellow. She also discusses the support she has received from TPCB as a parent. [more]

Alumni Profile: TPCB alumna Prof. Niroshika Keppetipola discusses her training experience with mentor Prof. Stewart Shuman and how it prepared her for an independent academic career. Now a faculty member at Cal State Fullerton, her lab studies post-translational regulation of RNA binding proteins in alternative splicing. [more]

Faculty Profile: TPCB faculty member Prof. Yael David is a new faculty member at Sloan Kettering. She describe her lab’s approach using protein engineering to study epigenetic regulation and its correlation with disease states. She also discusses her approach to mentoring and her experiences as a woman in science. [more]

Alumni Profile: TPCB alumna Dr. Amy Grunbeck Perea developed photoactivatable probes to study G protein-coupled receptors with Prof. Tom Sakmar. After graduating with 9 papers on her CV, she did a postdoc fellowship at Genzyme, then joined Abcam, a biotech company in Cambridge, developing new tools for protein analysis. [more]

Faculty Profile: TPCB faculty member Prof. Jue Chen is an HHMI Investigator who studies the structure and function of molecular pumps called ABC transporters that are involved in many important biological processes. She discusses the recent cryo-EM ‘resolution revolution’ and her personalized approach to mentoring her students. [more]