Weill Cornell Medical College The Rockefeller University Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center

Apply Online Application Due: December 1, 2013

News for Home Page Info

This post does not appear on the site. Additional notes may be added here

The news items in theĀ News for Home Page post must be contained in HTML paragraph tags (<p>) for the script to work. The WordPress editor hides <p> tags even in text mode, but will add them when there are blank likes between items. Hitting the return key after each item in visual mode should be enough to create discrete <p> tags. If not, adding them around news items in text mode is recommended.


As of Dec 30, 2013, anchors (id) have been implemented in the header of each news article so that they can be linked directly from the NewsFeed using “https://chembio.triiprograms.org/publications-news/news/#ID”, where ID is the name of the anchor.



You can set any post to display in the sidebar instead of the News for Home Page post by swapping its ID for the one in the News widget in Appearance > Widgets.